Land the job you want in 2018
Networking is a strategy to reveal more opportunities and more possibilities. It’s a way of connecting with others: people you know, but don't really know, and new people you've never met before. Networking starts with a mindset and an intention to discover, explore, and be open to what you may encounter. It’s about helping others and helping yourself.
We are wired both to connect with and help others. Without these ...
8 Little Ways to Make Your Job Search a Whole Lot Easier
The average josearch is a peculiar paradox. There may be 2,278 available positions for your chosen field, but as you scroll through pages and pages of listings, you're lucky if two stand out.
Perhaps you're a recent college graduate searching for the needle in the haystack of three- to five-year experience jobs. Just as frustrating, you could be a senior employee wondering if any position out there matches your unique ...
Here it is. The first working day. You have signed your first contract? You have a notebook, a pen and some cash with you? Good, then you’re ready to go. You should never plan on getting to the office on time on your first day. You should plan to get there extra early – to show your boss that you’re likely to go above and beyond expectations and, most ...
5 Steps to Turning Your Blogging Hobby Into a Job
Do you blog? Maybe you chronicle your travels, report on the issues in your industry, or share your latest fashion finds with the world. Blogging can be a hobby, a way to build your brand , or a line on your resume that can help you land a job.
But did you know that it can be a job, too? While the majority of blogs are personal platforms, Technorati estimates ...
They are a key part of a job description, a LinkedIn profile and also a printed CV: Skills! But now you wonder which skills you should list in your application and from which ones you would benefit going forward? Check out the tips below…
What skills to put on a resume
Basically, there are two different types of skills – hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities ...
We have all been there – that moment when you ask yourself “Have I outgrown my role? Am I ready for the next step?” At every stage of our career, reflection is key to finding the optimal balance between passion, challenge and skill. If you’re wondering if it is time for you to start exploring next steps, here are a few signs:
1. You are crushing all the responsibilities listed ...

Job-Searching from Afar: Tips for Finding a Job in a New Geography
Finding the right job can be difficult. Finding the right job in a different geography can seem impossible. When looking for a job in a new city or state (maybe even a new country), there are a few things you can do to ease the process:
Start early:
When seeking a new job it is important to start early, especially if you are looking in a geographic area that you ...
5 Career Planning Tips for College Students
Graduating from college and entering the workforce is a daunting prospect. You’re spent years trying to figure out what you actually want to do and making sure your major aligns with your dream job. The workforce for millennials is full of competition. You’re up against peers who graduate with you as well as those already experienced in the workplace. There are several ways you can gain an edge before starting ...
Phone interviews present the unique challenge of communicating your enthusiasm and relevant experiences without the benefits of eye contact, body language, dressing to impress, and a hearty handshake. However, the phone interview is often a critical part of the hiring process that will determine the fate of your candidacy. The following article walks you through the phases of the phone interview and shares a collection of insider tips that can ...

25 Super-Successful Leaders Give Their Best Career Advice for Millennials
If you're young and your career is in its early days, you've likely been privy to plenty of career truisms and clichés.
But if "follow your passion," "give 110%," and "be true to yourself" just aren't cutting it for you anymore, perhaps advice like, "don't work too hard" and "relax" are more up your alley.
These successful people have offered some of the best -- and oftentimes least conventional -- ...