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Landing your next job isn’t going to be easy. But if you learn what human resource professionals are really looking for, you can beat the odds. Human resource professionals have a set of rules, written and unwritten, and the better you learn these rules, the better you can compete and land your next role.

There’s a gap between a job seeker’s perception of the recruiting process and what human ...

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Finding the Right Career

Feb. 24, 2018 / Annabelle Brassaya

Whether you’re just leaving school, finding opportunities limited in your current position or, like many in this economy, facing unemployment, it may be time to consider your career path. By learning how to research options, realize your strengths, and acquire new skills, as well as muster the courage to make a change, you can discover the career that’s right for you. Even if you’re trapped in a position you don’t ...

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Why You Didn’t Get the Interview

Feb. 20, 2018 / Annabelle Brassaya

With a down economy, most of us have heard accounts of a job seeker sending out 100, 200, perhaps 300 résumés without getting even one response. These anecdotes are often received by sympathetic ears who commiserate and then share their personal stories of a failed job search. To anyone who has sent out large quantities of résumés without any response or interviews, I offer this advice:

The complete lack of ...

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11 Tips For Getting a Job Without Experience

Feb. 20, 2018 / Annabelle Brassaya

Everyone who starts out in the working world will encounter the dreaded Permission Paradox: you cannot find a job without experience, yet you cannot get any experience without a job. It’s a textbook Catch-22 that’s discouraging and seems almost impossible to overcome. Almost. Our 11 tips for getting a job without experience can help you go from zero to hero in a very reasonable amount of time (job hunting is ...

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There’s no way around it: getting rejected from a job is the absolute worst. Whether you made it to the final round of interviews or never heard a peep from the recruiter, you’re probably struggling to figure out what the heck went wrong.

Losing out on a job you were really excited about is a total bummer, but it could also be a golden opportunity for growth. Taking time to ...

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Using Your Network to Get an Interview

Feb. 20, 2018 / Annabelle Brassaya

Research has revealed that in general the more of a social life you have, the more people you know, the more time you spend with people outside of work, the more likely you are to find a job. And the more people you know who are in other fields than your own, the more likely you are to be able to effectively change careers. Often, in fact, your contacts will ...

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Leases are issued over state land for explicit purposes, including leases for: pastoral purposes, grazing in more intensively farmed areas, commercial purposes, tourism complexes over Queensland islands, and housing projects.

Now when it comes to term leases, the issuance are for terms of 1 to 100 years. After the expiration of the leases at the end of the last day of the lease term, the leaseholder will immediately lose possession ...

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Reliable web hosting is an important part of building a website. A web hosting company is the major step in how your website is delivered to customer. Your customers want the ability to access every aspect of your website any time of the day or night. Consider why web hosting is one of the most imperative website decisions you will make.


The two most popular web hosts today are Siteground ...

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Create a banging brand board! A good brand board isn’t just about colors, it’s creating a visual aid that depicts the vision and personality of your business. This will be your guide for the next steps.

1 | Use branded social media images, especially for your cover photos.

Lots of consumer brands and larger charities use branded and signature images to accompany their Tweets and posts. Unbranded images that are ...

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Career Development: An Overview

Jan. 31, 2018 / Annabelle Brassaya

For many people, networking sounds like an introvert's nightmare, conjuring images of exchanging business cards at a cocktail party, a boring effort at bragging, or begging for help from people you barely know. However, according to most experts, networking should not be perceived so negatively, nor should it be a self-centered effort in finding a new job. Rather, networking is building relationships on the basis of trust that involves a ...

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